Production and Refresh: Richcraft’s Group of Companies.
Models At A Glance Home Build Information Sheets
Incorporated a new layout including photography, client-provided logo, and typeface, and table data to refresh the 2017 information sheets. Redesigned table headers for better readability. Ensured design consistency across each home model category.

Design: Gatineau Golf and Country Club
“Refreshed the seasonal promotions for the Gatineau Golf and Country Club. Applied to print, Facebook, Twitter, and the web. Selected new imagery, composition, and typeface for all media.”

Mother’s Day Menu
Refreshed a special Mother’s Day menu for the Gatineau Golf and Country Club. Selected new art and typeface to evoke an elegant and spring-like feel to the brunch menu.
Domestic Bliss Roll-up Banner
Created a roll-up banner for recruitment at job fairs using existing branding. Shopped for a set of rights-managed stock photos and reworked elements from the business card.

Brand Identity Concept and Pitch:
White Line Productions
Mission: Develop a YouTube identity channel for White Line Productions. Their purpose is to educate prospective or existing buyers on the Subaru brand, and how its all-wheel-drive outperforms the competition on safety, performance, and price. Expand the brand identity with alternate tag lines and different designs.
Concept: The meaning of a solid white line in traffic terms is that cars headed in the same direction should stay in their own lane. Merging into another lane is not allowed. The concepts from the client included but were not limited to: — You’re in the right lane
— Never pass on information.
Challenge: Correlate the safety symbolism of a highway’s white line with Subaru’s safety features. Maintain the design to YouTube’s safety zones on both mobile and desktop platforms.
Idea: Illustrate a highway’s solid white line which symbolically places the driver or the viewer from passing.
Evolution: I found open road photographs with no other cars present to suggest the freedom a driver could expect—and enjoy— with their new Subaru. The white line indicates the safe side of the road. The graphics on the right represent a logo, a channel landing page, monogram, mobile landing page and introductory video splash screen.

Identity Concept:
The New York Times Latino Network
Develop a new logo for the company’s internal social network, celebrating the company’s Latino diversity amongst other diversity groups. The logo was to be used in group announcements, special events, and special commendations.
Design a custom logo
Design a custom logo that represents the wide diversity of The Nytimes Latino Community
Several versions of the logo were created and narrowed down to the piece on the right. I chose a glyph that had a carnival-like feel. Bold colors are typically expressed amongst Latino groups in art or in culture, but I chose to use a gradient for a sense of harmony between the group and the company at large.

Full Page Ad Honoring “Teachers Who Make A Difference”
This exclusive piece was designed as a full-page honorary advertisement for the college scholarship program, “Teachers Who Make A Difference Award”. I conceived and designed the ad, created the background art, and enhanced the photography for the best newsprint reproduction.

Direct Marketing Production:
The New York Times
This monthly work was collaborated directly with marketers to refresh the subscription form as a newspaper insert. The photos and text are always updated to the target market audience offering both digital and print subscriptions. Other print work included solicitations to upgrade existing subscriptions to premium tiers, and materials created to ‘win’ back cancelled subscriptions with incentives.

Update Editable PDF:
The New York Times Education Team,
Marketing Department.
This pdf form allowed schools to subscribe to The New York Times with a promotional rate using a downloadable PDF with math functions. The data entry was set to flow in order, from left to right, top to bottom. Each entry was validated and auto-populated where applicable. Updates to the calendar were performed annually to reflect the date changes, rate changes, and filter out school vacation periods.

The New York Times’ Brochures
and Program Guides
This line of work occurred quarterly in anticipation for public conferences hosted by the NYTimes and represents my support to creative teams using my prepress and retouching experience. release to vendor. This included: • Checking every art element for consistent color per branding guidelines and as priced in a vendor’s estimate (e.g. spot or 4C) • Correct typefaces used per branding guidelines • Correct photographic resolution, color mode, and color profiling • Photographic retouching • Correct safety of the art, copy, and gutter maintained • Correct bleeds maintained • Re-pagination (as necessary) • Correct trapping (as necessary) • Assemble complex housing units for mock-ups

Photographic Retouching and Production:
The New York Times’ Marketing Ads
Refreshed and resized various ads for unused ad space on a daily basis. In all cases, photographs were silhouetted, toned, and adapted compositionally to the size and shape of the ad-block. The copy is updated as necessary. • Top right: Adjusted pre-existing photographs to subdue distracting backgrounds, and to harmonize the multiple guest speakers as equal in importance. • Far right: Silhouetted each photograph from a movie screen capture provided by the studio. Paid special attention to the details of the character’s outline and hair, creating a seamless professional look. • Bottom right: Made local Photoshop corrections to the background during the black and white conversion for better type readability.

Photographic Retouching and Prepress Flight Check: The New York Times’ Brand and Product Promotions
Made global and tonal photographic adjustments using non-destructive techniques in lead with the managing art director. This series reflects a monthly full-page ad featuring The New York Times’ Men’s Style section, The T Magazine, and other product promotions, such as The NYTVR app and The Times’ cooking app. The typical turnaround time was the same day for a 5 pm press submission. Actual tear sheets are available upon request.